Supervision is an integral part of counselling
All counsellors and psychotherapists in the UK need to take their work regularly to supervision. They review their work with a supervisor so that they can keep working effectively and safely with their clients.
AARC offers supervision to students and to qualified counsellors.
Counsellors have an ethical responsibility to attend supervision.
Supervision serves three main functions: first, to support the client by helping the counsellor to reflect on the counselling process, second, to help the counsellor separate their own process from that of the client’s and third, to acknowledge strengths and areas for development.

Other Professionals
Our supervisors are also qualified to support people who are front facing in professions such as nursing, teaching, social work, social care, youth and community work. Supervision is separate from management or appraisal.
The opportunity to reflecting on workplace roles, tasks and dynamics can helping clients to maintain focus and motivation to achieve better outcomes.